Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Comes... Ready or Not!

The funny thing about Christmas is... it comes whether I am ready or not!

I like to cut down my own tree, and these were my helpers this year.

I LOVED the girl-help... and it was her first Christmas tree farm experience: Free hot chocolate and fresh REAL trees!

Hang on there, tree. I'll get back to you on Monday!


  1. Christmas envy ... did you read my blog post O Christmas Tree ?!?!

    I miss the days of real Christmas trees ... magic ... and hope!

    Life at Hillcrest Cottage abounds with all of those things!


  2. You forgot to mention why they were your only helpers (i.e. why your husband wasn't there).

  3. I think that is going to be a lovely tree -- especially since you were able to share your family tradition. That's what it's about. :)

  4. How did I miss this post? What adorable helpers! And I love the tree you chose too! :)
