Saturday, December 25, 2010

Keeping Christmas Simple

Hillcrest Cottage's Christmas Eve began with a gumbo made from whatever was shot from whomever shot it, and the picture is grainy because permission was not granted to post to this blog. But... the gumbo was very good. Thanks, hunter person!

Hillcrest Cottage's dinner table, and I have to brag that I made my best bread pudding EVER with the whiskey sauce being equally awesome!

This poster, found by my husband in a London thrift store, once lived as a pre-WWII street evangelist's sandwich sign. The sign now reminds me to not stray from the simplicity of the Christmas message.

Also In the spirit of simplicity, Hillcrest Cottage's decorations were scaled way back this season... intentionally... so that...

I would celebrate the importance of a family being together. Love seeing this cadet's uniform hanging around!

In my opinion, diamonds, pearls, and Christmas trees must always be real.

Memories of my childhood are found in this ornament.

Stockings hand knitted by my mom and given at each of the boys' births, are filled with fun. Next came the traditional pic of the guys holding stockings in front of the tree, but I'm not allowed to show that one.

And, finally, the debris that always follows.


  1. What a lovely table you set -- and a lovelier tradition.

    Merry Christmas to all who inhabit or visit Hillcrest Cottage! (We had duck gumbo, too!)

  2. O.K., that poster is amazing. What a fantastic find!

  3. *LOVED* this post Bev! All your photos truly spoke to my heart and really touched me! (okay... except the fowl... I was relieved it was grainy! lol!) I loved how meaningful and still beautiful such simplicity could be. Your mother's handknit stockings are real treasures - and what touched me the most was your poster from London (loved the story behind it too!)!!! It's just perfect in every way, and so meaningful hung there by your tree... I just *LOVE* it :) I'm so happy your Christmas was simple and delightful :) Now on to the New Year!


  4. Love the photo of the hunter...that's how it would have to be here, too! :)
    That poster is wonderful - what a great find!

