Cleaning out my art studio was a good thing...
a very good thing.
Look at this nice, tidy bookshelf!
But... cleaning out my art studio led to the hallway
which led to my bedroom which led to my bathroom which took me
back to the hallway...
and re-cluttered my art studio.
Help! There is no where to which I can shuffle the clutter.
I am stuck until I clean out my basement, garage, and attic.
Why I am enslaved to clutter brings out all the quirkiness in me. And, since I am such a do-it-yourself type person, I had to analyze myself:
1. I fear I will throw out something I will want or need later... to use in life or as a creative project.
2. I have emotional attachments to physical objects. I feel like I am throwing away my childhood, my children's childhoods... or worse... my grandmother.
"Oh," asks Myself, " the same grandmother who hated clutter and was famous for throwing out everything she no longer needed?"
"Yes, " I replied to myself, " the same one who threw out all my mother's dolls without consulting her and who gave the yard man the really awesome antique train set with which I loved playing?"
"Yep. That's the one," Me added.
3. "Mom, you hold onto the past too much," observed wise college son.
Okay... so, I my fears of the future make me I hold too tightly to the past.
4. I am the obligatory family historian and curator. I can not remove myself from this role lest the family history should die.
6. I could sell this stuff and make some money.
Concluding my session with Me, Myself, and I, it came down to this question:
Does the daily "real" benefit of de-cluttering OUTWEIGH the things which "might" be done with the clutter?
But, it is still not easy to let go.
Here's the re-cluttered art studio... except, now I am preparing for a sale mid-April:
Hillcrest Cottage's Art & Oddities (Really... cool... stuff).
Will I really do something with these t-shirts?
Harry Potter fans... Do you recognize this?
A piece of art which I just framed and it looks great! It will be a part of the upcoming show along with a Boy Scout hat from the 1920's, a turquoise-colored metal oar, and whatever else I discover in my effort to de-clutter Hillcrest Cottage.
And... I did re-purpose some things I have been planning on re-purposing like this incredible needle-pointed rose (needle-pointed by my grandmother).
Love it!
It will be a very happy edition to someone's home.
P.S. When I sell the needle-pointed rose I will NOT be selling my grandmother with it...
I am sharing her.