Sunday, March 7, 2010

Midnight Snack, Anyone?

Hungry Boys with Too Much Money Buy This on Midnight Buying Frenzies

Exhibit A: Never Grocery Shop When Hungry

Exhibit B: 2 Bags Powdered Donuts, 2 Cans Spaghetti, 4-Pack Easy Mac, 4-Pack Starbucks Drinks, Bag Cheese Puffs, Bag Potato Chips, DP... 3 Teenage Boys


  1. Heh. Brings back memories! Some things never change . . . .

    (In all fairness, that variety of "grocery shopping" is what I survived on during my freshman year at the U of A!)

  2. Hi Bev,
    My, its amazing what boys can get through - at any age! Mine is only six and already eating twice the amount that the girls eat!
    Thanks for visiting my blog x

  3. Oh this makes me laugh! I have three young boys and my grocery bill is crazy. Can't imagine when they are teenagers.

  4. Oh Bev... every time I visit your blog, I am more and more convinced of all we have in common with our 3 boys. Especially that we get to clean up after them!
