When I last wrote about bicycles, it was with much
regret. It's been two years since my last bike was stolen, and I've been haunting my favorite
neighborhood junk store ever since...keeping my eyes open for another bike. On Sunday, I spotted this purple- beach- bike- beauty...spiky things still on the tires...hardly ridden...35 bucks.

Mac the Labradoodle has spring fever and begs to join me outside whenever she is allowed! We spent all day Saturday in the back yard, and I have two tick bites to show for it.

Underneath a canopy of Carolina Jasmine...

I have created a secret spot for quiet reflection.

Sadly, the wonderful chiminea evenings are winding down...maybe there will be one or two more before summer arrives.

The native violets were allowed to pop up by my front door. I think they are beautiful and remind me of my childhood. I used to pick violets for my mom. She would always display them on the kitchen sink window sill as proudly as any FTD floral bouquet.

My first rose open this week, and I took the time to stop and smell...an important life discipline because the roses don't last long. Just like the time I took last night to listen to Davis play all the new country songs he has learned on his guitar.
As he sang to me, he had the sweetest smile on his face...not a smile of performing for me, but a smile of pure enjoyment. He really loved what he was playing, and I decided that if he liked this genre of music, then I would ,too.
My mind's video camera was rolling and the camera clicked an entire roll of film (even my mind's camera is
film, not digital) as I intentionally captured a priceless moment with my 16 year old son. It was a rose opening. With two sons already away at college, a moment like last night is a beautiful thing.

And, lastly, this was my first week to recycle...ever. (No judgment, please.) We have lived in Hillcrest Cottage for ten years with no recycling bin, and I had never made the effort to ask the city for a new one... until one of my teenage friends decided to hold me accountable.
Thanks Allen, I feel better now.